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Effect of Solar Flare and Coronal Mass Ejection in our Life
Lalan Prasad, Beena Bhatt and Suman Garia
research Scholar, M.B.PG.College, Haldwani
As we know sun is a prime source of life for our earth so it is very important to know all activities of the sun and hazard occurred by it. Sun contains enormous amount of energy in the form of electromagnetic spectrum, particles, electrons, ions, gases, atoms and plasma. Time to time they emit tremendous amount of energy and matter into the interplanetary space which create space weather and affect the other planets in the interplanetary space. A number of phenomena are continuously occurring day and night which is the source of space weather such as prominence, solar flares, coronal mass ejection (CMEs). Sun continuously released energies, energetic particles and plasma in the interplanetary space in all the directions. Sun’s atmosphere is divided into three main layer (1) photosphere (2) chromosphere (3) and corona. Many activities continuously occurring into these layers, as solar flare and CMEs are one of these. Although not all the solar flares are affecting our earth’s atmosphere but only some of those whose intensities are high like M-class and X-class solar flares.